Lamar JH takes U.S. History Quiz Bowl crown

Jun 01, 2016 | Community Relations
ljh win1
Who knew that in 1829 President Andrew Jackson addressed Congress, suggesting an area west of the Mississippi River be set aside for Native Americans?
Eighth-graders at Lamar Junior High knew, making them champions of the 3rd Annual Lamar CISD 8th-grade U.S. History Quiz Bowl. The Quiz Bowl Finals were held Tuesday in the District’s Brazos Crossing Administration Building.
The question about Jackson’s address was the 15th of the Sudden Death Round. A three-way tie, between Lamar, Briscoe and Reading junior high schools forced the overtime session.
Briscoe bowed out when it incorrectly answered John Jay had prevented the British from controlling the Mississippi River in the Revolutionary War. Lamar and Reading both correctly answered Bernardo de Galvez.
Lamar correctly answered 13 of the 15 questions in the overtime period. However, Reading gave incorrect answers to the same two questions missed by Lamar, allowing the competition to continue.
This is the second title for Lamar Junior High. They won the inaugural Quiz Bowl in 2014 and Briscoe Junior High took the title last year. Lee Zuskind is the sponsor for the Lamar Junior High squad.
Tuesday’s event was actually the third round of the competition. Lamar CISD’s four junior highs held earlier rounds of question via video cameras connected over the Internet.