Ben Perez is surprised by HEB and his family as he's announced as an Excellence in Education Finalist.
Ben Perez, principal of Lamar CISD's Ray Elementary, is one of five elementary school principals who are state finalists in the HEB Excellence in Education Awards program.
Perez was surprised Wednesday morning at his campus by representatives of the grocery chain, his family and members of the Lamar CISD administration, led by Superintendent Dr. Thomas Randle, and the entire student body.
Perez received a $1,000 check for himself and a $2,500 check for his school. If he is the overall winner, he will receive an additional $10,000, with the school earning a check for $25,000.
The winners of all of HEB’s Excellence in Education categories will be named in May in San Antonio.
A product of Lamar CISD’s Terry High School, Perez began his career as a teacher’s aide, working at Bowie Elementary with the P.E. teacher, while simultaneously attending the University of Houston-Downtown.
When he finished college, he became a teacher at Lamar CISD’s Pink Elementary. Perez taught 1st and 4th grades, quickly earning the trust of his principal and his fellow teachers, becoming the math specialist within three years.
After five years as a teacher, Perez became assistant principal at Ray Elementary, where he was instrumental in achieving a school’s highest honor: a National Blue Ribbon. He became principal at Ray in 2009.