2020 Lamar CISD Valedictorians and Salutatorians

May 26, 2020 | Community Relaions

Ramsa Kazi, George Ranch High School
Alexander Agruso, Terry High School
Iris Ung, Foster High School
Yenvy Bui, Fulshear High School
George Koussa, Lamar Consolidated High School

Inie-Inie Melford Spiff-Rufus, George Ranch High School
Marisol Balderas, Terry High School
Chase Albright, Foster High School
Alice Teper, Fulshear High School
Virginia Liu, Lamar Consolidated High School

George Ranch High School: 

Ramsa Kazi is the Valedictorian for the Class of 2020 at George Ranch High School.

The daughter of Rafey and Amber Kazi, she will attend the University of Texas, majoring in Neuroscience. Upon receiving her undergraduate degree, Ramsa has plans to attend medical school.

While at George Ranch, Ramsa was a National AP Scholar, President of the Spanish Honor Society, Vice President of the Math Honor Society and was a member of the National Honor Society, HUGS and a Health Occupation Students of America (HOSA) State Qualifier. Ramsa also ran Cross Country all four years at GRHS and was a two-time regional qualifier.

Ramsa hopes to use her years of language experience to facilitate her desire to help others on a global level. She aims to bring healthcare to those in need, especially in third world countries. Most importantly, Ramsa aspires to make a positive impact on the world in whatever way she can.

Reflecting on her high school experience and looking towards the future, Ramsa encourages her classmates to “find value in the things that matter, embracing every opportunity amidst these tough times” and leaves her classmates with her favorite quote: “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” – C.S. Lewis

Inie-Inie Melford Spiff-Rufus (Melford) is the Salutatorian for the Class of 2020 at George Ranch High School.

The son of Beinmonyo Spiff-Rufus and Peace Rufus-Spiff, he will attend Princeton University, majoring in Biological and Chemical Engineering.

While at George Ranch, Melford was the President of Service for the National Honor Society and the African Students Association, served as the Public Relations Chair for Mu Alpha Theta, and participated in the AP Ambassadors Program, Health Occupation Students of America (HOSA) and the Technology Students Association (TSA). Melford was also an active volunteer for the George Foundation’s Youth in Philanthropy Program.

Throughout his time at GRHS, Melford received honors such as being the 11th Grade Student of the Year, a National Merit Commended Scholar, a QuestBridge National College Match Scholar, a HOSA State Finalist, a Gates Scholarship Recipient and being selected as one of MIT's Online Science, Technology, and Engineering Community (MOSTEC) Participants.

As his life goes on, Melford aims to travel the world and aid people with the knowledge and skills acquired in college, while also engaging in philanthropy work. Melford prioritizes his family above all else and hopes to be blessed with the capacity to provide for both the elders and future generations of his family.

When asked to give advice to his fellow graduates, Melford states that “we tend to have a narrow view of what is destined for us; however, do not let these frontal options blur out the ones that surround you” and leaves his fellow Longhorns with his favorite quote: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou

Terry High School: 

Alexander Agruso is the Valedictorian for the Class of 2020 at Terry High School.

The son of Richard and Katie Agruso, he will attend Texas State University, majoring in Music Performance. He plans to pursue a career composing music and developing music based software.

While at Terry, Alexander was a proud member of the B.F. Terry Band and aims to build on his experience to achieve personal artistic fulfillment.

Alexander leaves the class of 2020, and his fellow Rangers, with his favorite quote: “Don’t take life too seriously, or you’ll never get out of it alive.” - Unknown

Marisol Balderas is the Salutatorian for the Class of 2020 at Terry High School.

The daughter of Lorenzo Balderas and Rosa Rivas, she will attend Houston Baptist University, majoring in History or Government. Marisol received HBU’s President’s Scholarship and will be a part of the campus’ Honors College. She plans to attend law school upon receiving her undergraduate degree.

With aspirations of becoming an attorney, Marisol hopes to have opportunities to advocate for the importance of education. Marisol encourages her classmates to keep in mind that anything worth having takes hard work and she reminds her fellow Rangers to never take their education for granted.

Marisol will have fond memories of her time at Terry HS and says she’ll never forget the kind people she encountered along her way and the immense gratitude she has for each of her peers.

Foster High School:

Iris Ung is the Valedictorian for the Class of 2020 at Foster High School.

The daughter of Chet and Sreylin Ung and Pauline Phan, she will attend the Stanford University, majoring in Science, Technology and Society with a minor in Economics. She intends on becoming a STEM Entrepreneur.

While at Foster, Iris was President of the Technology Student Association (TSA), President of Interact/Rotary, President of DECA, Treasurer of the National Honor Society, Captain of the Speech and Debate team and a member of the Principal’s Student Advisory Group and AP Ambassador Program. 

Iris longs to make her friends and family proud and give back to the people and communities that have supported her.

Reflecting on her high school experience, Iris reminds her fellow Falcons that everyday lived is another piece of their education and to embrace changes throughout life with a focused growth mindset.

Chase Albright is the Salutatorian for the Class of 2020 at Foster High School. 

He is the son of Gregory and Jennifer Albright and will attend Texas A&M, majoring in Chemical Engineering with a minor in Computer Science. Chase aspires to own his own oil and gas company.

While at Foster, Chase was a member of the National Honor Society and played for the Foster baseball team throughout his high school career. In his free time, Chase was an active volunteer with Lunches of Love and coached baseball for Lamar Little League and Upwards.

He advises his classmates to remember to always have fun and leaves them with his favorite quote: “Never underestimate what you think you can do.” - Unknown

Fulshear High School:

Yenvy Bui is the Valedictorian for the Class of 2020 at Fulshear High School.

The daughter of Loc Bui and Yen Nguyen, she will attend Rice University, majoring in either Biochemistry or Kinesiology. She aspires to become an ophthalmologist.

While at CFHS, Yenvy was Treasurer of HOSA, was a member of the National Honor Society, TSA, Student Council, YIP, Science Olympiad, WIT, National Honor Society and Academic UIL. She also participated in Band and was a Drill Captain and Section Leader.

Yenvy looks forward to opening her own private practice and creating lasting bonds with her clients. She says she’ll know she’s truly succeeded in life when she’s made beautiful connections with people and transformed their lives enough to have her office plastered with Christmas thank you cards.

Reflecting on her high school experience, Yenvy claims that she will never forget the “little school that can” pride she shared with her fellow Chargers as they opened a brand-new high school. She hopes that her fellow classmates will remember that “half the journey comes from the effort we decide to put forth- you’ll never see the light at the end of the tunnel if you don’t try to turn on a flash light in the first place.”

Alice Teper is the Salutatorian for the Class of 2020 at Fulshear High School.

The daughter of Anna and Vadim Teper, she plans to the University of Houston, majoring in Biology. Upon receiving her undergraduate degree, Katherine has plans to attend medical school to become a family physician.

While at Fulshear, Alice was a member of HOSA, TSA, Student Council and the National Honor Society.

When asked if she has any final words for the class of 2020, Alice says to always say what you mean and do as you feel, reminding her classmates that they have no responsibility to anyone but themselves.

Alice reflects on the unique experience she has had getting to open Lamar CISD’s newest high school and is thankful for the opportunity to meet many different people and experience their perspectives on life. She leaves her fellow Chargers with this quote: “As long as this exists, this sunshine and this cloudless sky, and as long as I can enjoy it, how can I be sad?” – Anne Frank

Lamar Consolidated High School:

George Koussa is the Valedictorian for the Class of 2020 at Lamar Consolidated High School.

The son of Kal and Linda Koussa, he will attend the University of Texas, majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering.

While at LCHS, George was a member of the UIL Math and Science teams, TSA and the Cricket Club.

George encourages his fellow Mustangs to set goals for themselves and continue asking questions. He leaves the Class of 2020 with a quote from Gertrude Stein, “If you can do it, then why do it?”

Virginia Liu is the Salutatorian for the Class of 2020 at Lamar Consolidated High School.

The daughter of Lihong Zhao and Jinghua Liu, she intends on attending Rice University, majoring in Biochemistry.

While at LCHS, Virginia was a member of the National Honor Society, Student Council, AP Ambassadors, the Mustang Pen, YIP and was involved in tennis, art and Culture Connect.

Virginia aims to fight to end inequality and chose a quote by Ernest Hemingway as her goodbye to the class of 2020, “The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.”