Adolphus Family
Lamar CISD dedicated its 21st elementary school, honoring a man that dedicated most of his life to serving the public.
Dedication ceremonies for Judge James C. Adolphus Elementary, located in the Long Meadow Farms subdivision, were held Tuesday (Nov. 18).
Among those attending the ceremony were the Judge Adolphus family and Fort Bend County Judge Bob Hebert.
Judge Adolphus was a Missouri City Councilman, a Fort Bend County Justice of the Peace and served Fort Bend County Judge from 1998 to 2002.
For 17 years, Adolphus was deputy chief of the Mercy Corps, a free rescue, ambulance and first-aid service, staffed by volunteers.
As a Missouri City Councilman he was instrumental in forming the Fort Bend Economic Development Council.
He coordinated the effort to establish a program to combat drug abuse and fought for improvements to underdeveloped areas of Fort Bend County so all residents would have access to clean water.
Judge Adolphus also encouraged the formation of the Fort Bend Corps, which still provides rehabilitation of housing for the elderly, disabled and disadvantaged in our community.
Jennifer Zebold is the principal at Adolphus Elementary.

Fort Bend County Judge Bob Hebert

Adolphus Assistant Principal Cara Hoskins and Principal Jennifer Zebold

The Adolphus 4th-grade belts out the school song.