Eight Lamar CISD students will have their art works shown at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo as part of the HLSR Art Program.
Each of these students will have their works seen by thousands at the 2014 HLSR Art Show and the high school students will compete for a spot in the HLSR Art Show Auction.
Best of Show went to Terry High School junior Nohemi Luna for her colored drawing called “Gallo Negro.” Joan Batts is Luna’s art teacher at Terry High School.
Terry High junior Roderick Jones earned a Gold Medal for his a monochromatic titled “A Guy Named Sue.” Joan Batts is Jones’ art teacher at Terry High School.
Foster High sophomore Jonatan Soto’s monochromatic work “Looking for Eight,” also earned a Gold Medal. His art teacher is Melanie Coffee.
Terry sophomore Juan Ortiz’s mixed medium piece named “IOU,” earned Special Merit. .” Joan Batts is Jones’ art teacher at Terry High School.
Reading Junior High 8th-grader Daniel Pahutan’s colored drawing titled “Welcome to My Humble Abode,” was Best of Show in the Junior High Division. Reading JH 8th-grader Nneka Agbugha’s colored drawing titled “Hello World,” earned the Gold Medal. Both students are taught by Monica Arratia.
Beasley Elementary 5th-grade student Carlos Cardona was Best in Show for the Elementary Division with his monochromatic titled “End of the Day.” His art teacher is Patricia Neal.
Ray Elementary 5th-grader Sidney Hausler’s painting named “Sweet Chickens,” received the Gold Medal in the Elementary Division. Her art teacher is Lynnette Brown.

Front row, Carlos Cardona and Sidney Hausler; 2nd row, Nneka Agbugha, Nohemi Luna and Daniel Pahutan; back row, Juan Ortiz, Jonatan Soto and Roderick Jones.