George Ranch High School Principal Leslie Haack with the students and administrators from Foshan, China.
George Ranch High School principal Leslie Haack believes in putting new students to work as soon as they hit the door.
Even when their previous school is on the other side of the world.
Thirteen students, along with two school administrators from Foshan, China are visiting Fort Bend County as part of an international exchange program. The students are staying with families in the community and for the 10 days they are enrolled at GRHS, they will be in the Choir, with the basketball teams, being tossed around as part of cheerleading team, making pancakes with the culinary arts department, working on their advance math skills … all the things that a student transferring from any other school would do.
“They all gave themselves ‘American’ names for their student IDs,” Haack said. “We have an Alice, a Stephanie, Renee, Sofia, Ian, Ben. They are having a great time!”
She already credits the new students for learning the ropes at lightning speed.
“After the first day of classes, they came in and requested changes to their schedules,” Haack said. “They caught on quick!”
The visitors are part of program to promote an ongoing relationship with Foshan. A delegation, including Lamar CISD Superintendent Dr. Thomas Randle and County Judge Robert Hebert, visited China in 2011. This is the second group of visitors from Foshan. The first was comprised of government and school officials.
The Fort Bend Global Initiative, a local non-profit organization began the cultural exchange.
Foshan is a city in central Guangdong province located in southern China with a population of 3.6 million. Key industries include: household electrical appliance and tool manufacturing; furniture; non-metal ore and manufacturing; electronics and communications; stainless steel products; plastic products and ceramics.