Pink Elementary's Charlotte McClaney is interviewed by Ch. 11's Mia Gradney.
When you have been a kindergarten teacher for most of your adult life, you would think not much is left that can surprise you.
But, the KHOU Surprise Squad definitely fits into that category.
KHOU reporter Mia Gradney and meteorologist Chita Johnson surprised Pink Elementary kindergarten teacher Charlotte McClaney in her classroom Monday, letting her know her good works have not gone unnoticed.
McClaney’s segment, part of Ch. 11’s effort to brighten the day of a deserving person, will air Wednesday, between 6- 7 a.m.
The media stars not only brought a gift pack from Houston’s Hotel ZaZa for McClaney, but gifts for every one of her students.
It is gifts for students that earned the visit to her Richmond classroom.
“At Christmas, she found organizations willing to donate bicycles for all of her students,” said Pink Elementary Principal Chandra Woods. “When she didn't get all of the bikes needed, she purchased the rest. The students were invited to her home and they enjoyed an awesome party and received their bikes.
“This is just one example of the many ways Ms. McClaney goes above and beyond to serve her students and their families,” Wood said. “When I think of the work that Ms. McClaney is able to accomplish with her students it reminds me of the words, ‘if you have a child's heart, you have his head.’”
Woods said McClaney’s classroom is always fun and full of adventure and students are challenged and they work hard to meet those challenges.
“I had no idea,” McClaney said about the visit. “I was totally shocked.”
She said that can’t think of anything in the world she’d rather do than teach kindergarten.
“Looking into those smiling faces makes my day, every day,” she said. “Maybe that’s why I have perfect attendance.”
McClaney thanked KHOU for making her day and for giving her students an experience they will never forget. She also thanked her son, Brian, for sending in the original nomination.
“I am truly blessed to have a son that thinks of his mother the way he does,” she said.

KHOU's Chita Johnson and Mia Gradney sneak up on Charlotte McClaney's classroom.