Air Force Staff Sergeant Denise McHaney (left) and Lucy Bremond, Award Chairperson (right) present George Ranch High School College and Career Counselor Rebecca Mobley with the Colin Powell Award.
George Ranch High School’s Rebecca Mobley is one of only four public school employees to receive the Colin Powell Award.
The Colin Powell Award is awarded annually by Our Community Salutes-Fort Bend, a local, non-profit organization created to recognize and honor graduating high school students (and their parents) who plan to enlist in the armed services after graduation.
The Colin Powell Award, named after the retired U.S. Army general, former Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is a public service award presented to outstanding high school guidance counselors, principals, teachers, or other staff members in recognition of their providing guidance, counseling and mentoring to students.
Candidates for the Colin Powell Award are nominated by area military recruiters. Air Force Staff Sergeant Denise McHaney nominated Mobley, who is College and Career Facilitator at George Ranch HS.
“Our Military Recruiters could not do their jobs without help and support from the schools,” said Lucy Bremond, Chairperson of the Colin Powell Award Selection Committee. “We had a difficult job this year as all the nominees were outstanding as counselors and mentors whose service, compassion, and commitment sets an example for all of us. We honor these winners because they are educators who understand that it is not about getting a diploma, and it’s not about getting a job. It is about having opportunities for life.”