Polly Ryon Middle School

B.F. Terry High School

Lamar Junior High School
Last year, Holdsworth launched a two-year program designed for sitting principals and their teams. Frost, Hubenak and Hutchison elementary schools and Lamar Consolidated High School were the first round of campuses to enter the Holdsworth experience. This year, the District has selected Polly Ryon Middle School, Lamar Junior High School and B.F. Terry High School to join the program.
Each Holdsworth district will send successive cohorts of principals to Holdsworth, with the goal of serving 50 to 60 percent of principals over the course of the five-year partnership.
This phase of the Holdsworth program will focus on three main leadership objectives:
• Teacher development, identifying and fostering teacher leadership within schools;
• Individual growth plans, designing essential growth and development opportunities, building processes for frequent feedback and coaching at the campus level; and
• Campus transformation, cultivating a continuous improvement mindset and a culture of collaboration, innovation and problem solving at the campus and classroom levels, as the school works through a specific problem of practice focused on student achievement.
Headquartered in Austin and founded by Charles Butt, a lifelong advocate for public education, the Holdsworth Center offers world-class training and leadership development to school districts selected to participate through a multi-year investment. Named after Charles’ mother, Mary Elizabeth Holdsworth Butt, an educator and dedicated philanthropist, the Center’s goal is to successfully support and develop the leaders of the more than 1,200 school districts in Texas and the thousands of campus leaders in the state in order to improve the quality of education offered to every child in every classroom. For more information, click here.