Hubenak Principal Diane Parks (L) joins Librarian Sarah Falcon (R) and her winning team. Mia Buena, Aiza Waheed,Joshua Nwokolo, Caleb Helmke, Bach Tran and Aland Ung smile with their trophies.
Hubenak Elementary continued their winning streak at Lamar CISD’s 6th annual Battle of the Bluebonnet Books.
Hubenak was represented at this year’s contest by Caleb Helmke, Mia Buena, Bach Tran, Aland Ung, Aiza Waheed and Joshua Nwokolo. Librarian Sarah Falcon coached the team.
Each year, the Texas Library Association announces its Bluebonnet Book Award list. Consisting of 20 books, titles are chosen for both quality and appeal to children.
The Battle of the Bluebonnet Books consists of two rounds consisting of 25 questions each. The first round features quotes and general trivia from the books, while the second round is composed solely of quotes. Each elementary forms a team and is tested on the ability to recognize passages and answer questions chosen from this year's Bluebonnet Books.
McNeill took second in the annual competition, with Adolphus and Campbell tying for third.
The competition was also broken down by color track with top scores from Austin representing the blue track, Travis representing the red track, McNeill representing the gold track, Campbell representing the maroon track and Hubenak representing the purple track.
The competition is completely underwritten by the Lamar Educational Awards Foundation, which paid for t-shirts, trophies, lunch for the participants and travel costs for all 23 participating elementary schools.