Board member Kathryn Kaminski smiles along SHAC Advisory members and campus representibies. Pictured left to right: Kathryn Kaminski, Brenda Thompson, Hope Frohbieter, Dr. Jon Maxwell, Marie Annexy, Deborah Nesbitt, Tracy Boss and Nicole Nelson.
Congratulations to those campuses that received the first annual LCISD School Health Advisory Council Recognized Wellness Campus Awards.
Campuses receiving the award for the 2018-2019 school year include: Campbell Elementary, Velasquez Elementary, Williams Elementary and Reading Junior High School.
This collaborative effort between the Lamar CISD School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) and the District's Athletics Department recognizes campuses for their health and wellness initiatives completed throughout the school year.
In order to receive this recognition, schools must complete five of the eight criteria, three of which are mandatory: 1) Have a Campus Wellness Committee; 2) Host a Health/Wellness Event; 3) Hold a Campus-wide Physical Activity; 4) Offer Tobacco Prevention Programs; 5) Incorporate Nutrition and Physical Activity in Core Classes; 6) Implement a Stress Prevention Program; 7) Offer Non-Food Rewards; 8) Offer a Staff Wellness Program. The first three on the list are mandatory.
SHAC is a state mandated advisory council appointed by the Board that works with the District to help school communities support good health and academic achievement. It is made up of parents, community members, students and school staff working together to improve the health of all students and families through coordinated school health programs. Research shows that healthy children do better in school- from attendance and behavior to academics and overall performance.
Throughout the year, SHAC addresses topics related to health education, nutrition environment and services, employee wellness, social and emotional school climate, physical environment, health services, counseling, psychological and social services, family/community involvement, family engagement, physical education and physical activity.
For more information about the SHAC, please click here.