Welcome to Austin Elementary School!

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

To register, please call 832-223-1000 to make an appointment.


Registering your future Astronaut is as simple as 1-2-3-4!
1. Visit LCISD.org > Students and Parents > Registration and scroll down to Students New to LCISD
2. Follow directions to locate your campus and complete the New Student Online Enrollment Application
3. Gather the required documents: Proof of Residency (closing documents, leasing agreement, fixed utility bill - electric, gas, water), copy of parent/guardian driver's license, student birth certificate, student immunization records
4.Call 832-223-1000 or email [email protected] to make an appointment to drop off documents


Attendance notes may be sent by email but must come from a parent's verified email account. The email must be sent to the campus attendance clerk when your student returns to school. Please include your student's first name, last name, teacher name, grade and the date(s) which your student was absent. Please send your email to: [email protected]

Parent Information

Penny Wars
Sweets with Santa

School Hours

School Hours: 7:15 a.m. - 2:40 p.m. 
Students who arrive after 7:15 a.m. are tardy. 

Breakfast 6:45 a.m. - 7:15 a.m.
1st Bell 7:05 a.m.
Tardy Bell 7:15 a.m.
Dismissal Bell 2:40 p.m.


Upcoming Events at Austin

Nov. 17: Early Release (11:15 a.m.)
Nov. 20 - 24: Student Holiday (Thanksgiving Break)
Dec. 9: Sweets with Santa
Dec. 12: Holiday Program (3rd Grade)
Dec. 15: Early Release (11:15 a.m.)
Dec. 18 - Jan. 2: Student Holiday (Winter Break)

Austin PTO

To learn more about the Austin PTO, please visit their website and Facebook page:
Austin PTO Website
Austin PTO Facebook Page

Follow Austin Elementary

Please join us on Facebook to see pictures of school events and activities! 


Lunch Times

Kinder - Lemos, Sorbel: 11:50 a.m.
Kinder - Silva, Countryman, Fletcher: 12 p.m.
1st - Murphy, Harris: 11:30 a.m.
1st - Stockslager, Therrian, Young: 11:35 a.m.
2nd - Lohn, Stone: 12:20 p.m.
2nd - Ferguson, Tom, Venegas: 12:25 p.m.
3rd - Almendarez, Fetterman, Grimes: 11:10 a.m.
3rd - Broxson, Van Maanen: 11:15 a.m.
4th - Bullard, Allen: 10:30 a.m.
4th - Cruickshank, Faith, Burke: 10:35 a.m.
5th - Krenek, Covington: 10:50 a.m.
5th - Frewin, Lepler: 10:55 a.m.


school cafe

Breakfast and lunch are FREE to all students at Austin, but students may purchase a la carte items. Your child's student ID number will also be their lunch number. You can also use this number to add money to their account online. Students will use their SMART Tag in the lunch line.

To make a payment on your child's account, please login to www.schoolcafe.com. 

For parent online help, please call 855-729-2328 or email [email protected].

To put restrictions on your child's account, please call 832-223-0180 or through your student's account on www.schoolcafe.com


Lamar CISD implemented the SMART Tag system, which is designed to improve the safety and security of students who utilize school bus transportation. For more information, please click here.

If your student lost or breaks their SMART Tag, parents will need to purchase a new SMART Tag for $5.00.  Click here to purchase a new SMART Tag.

Please do not bend or punch a hole into the SMART Tag. 


Transportation Changes

Transportation changes must be submitted to the front office before 2:10 p.m. Transportation changes must be submitted by phone call or by a written note. 

On early release days, transportation changes must be submitted to the front office before 11 a.m. 

Permanent transportation changes must be made in writing.


Campus Forms & Documents   

After School Care   

For on-site after school care, please call the YMCA at 281-341-0791. Their program is for students K-5 and offered Monday - Friday (on regular school days) until 6:30 p.m. 

Below are the after school care facilities that provide transportation to and from Austin. 
Funshine Academy - 281-342-9624
Kids R Kids - 832-451-1111
Tree House Academy - 832-595-8500

Car Riders   

Please get a White Austin Visor Tag from your student's teacher. 

Place the White Austin Visor Tag in your front window.

If someone else picks up your child, please make sure they have the White Austin Visor Tag.

Please follow the car rider line route on the side of the building. 

All car riders must be picked up in the car ride line. 


Please meet your student(s) at the flag pole in the front of the bike rack.

Walker/Bikers will be released first. Please be at the flag pole at 2:40 p.m.

Kinder and 1st grade students must have an adult or older sibling present to receive their child. Individuals receiving Kinder or 1st grade students at the flag pole will need to be in possession of a picture ID, so the staff member can verify release authorization on the first day of school. We will then give a White Austin Walker/Biker Tag to use the following days. You could also get a White Austin Walker/Biker Tag from your child's teacher.

For Kinder and 1st grade, please email your child's teacher if you give permission for your child to be released by an older sibling. We must have this parent permission documentation on file. 

We will not release students to parents parked in the parking lot. You must meet your child at the flag pole. 


COVID-19 Spring Break Travel Information

Mar 06, 2020 | Community Relations

Lamar CISD is committed to the health and safety of our students and staff. The COVID-19 coronavirus is spreading quickly in many parts of the world and has a growing potential to disrupt international travel. We know many families may be traveling for spring break, so we want to provide you with information from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) related to travel to countries where there is widespread community transmission of COVID-19.

As of March 6, 2020, the CDC has identified four countries for which it has issued a Level 3 Travel Health Notice. A Level 3 Travel Health Notice is one that recommends that travelers avoid all non-essential travel to the country. The four countries are China, Iran, South Korea and Italy. A person who travels to or through those countries while a Level 3 Travel Health Notice is in effect is to stay home and monitor his or her health for 14 days after they leave that country. We encourage everyone in our community to go to the CDC’s website for factual, up-to-date information regarding COVID-19. The following is guidance from the CDC to consider before traveling:

Because this situation is changing rapidly, we encourage you to check the CDC website before you travel to find updated guidance for your destinations, as well as for those countries you may travel through on the way to your destinations. Level 3 Travel Health Notices may be posted for other countries at any time.

Should employees or students travel to or through any of the countries listed as a Level 3 Travel Health Notice, the District asks that you comply with the guidelines from the CDC. Employees and students should stay at home and monitor their health for 14 days after leaving the identified country. If there is no indication of illness by the end of the 14-day monitoring period, employees may return to work and students may return to campus.

Employees who travel to or through countries with a Level 3 Travel Health Notice must contact the Human Resources (HR) Department to notify HR which of the Level 3 Travel Health Notice countries the employee has traveled to or through and when the employee left the identified country. HR will work with the employee to determine the 14-day monitoring period. HR will be in periodic contact with the employee during the 14-day period. If the employee shows no sign of illness after the 14-day period, the employee will return to the job site.  

In collaboration with the Texas Education Agency and local authorities, Lamar CISD plans to make every effort to consider the 14-day monitoring period as paid leave that will not count against the employee’s accumulated leave time. Employees will be required to show verification of travel to a country with a Level 3 Travel Health Notice. If the employee develops signs of illness, HR will consult with the employee regarding the use of accumulated leave. Employees should contact [email protected] or [email protected].

Students who travel to or through any of the countries identified with a Level 3 Travel Health Notice must have a parent contact their principal upon return to the United States so that the 14-day monitoring period can be determined. Student absences during this time will be excused. Students will be required to show verification of travel to a country with a Level 3 Travel Health Notice. The campus will work with the student and parent to provide assignments and resources to help the student attempt to stay current with classroom instruction. The principal will be in periodic contact during the 14-day monitoring period. If the student shows no sign of illness, the student may return to the classroom at the completion of the 14-day monitoring period.

Lamar CISD has been in consultation with the local Health Department officials about a variety of issues concerning COVID-19 and the operation of our public schools. Health officials have advised that students and staff traveling to or through any of the countries with a Level 3 Travel Health Notice should comply with the recommendation to stay home and monitor their health for 14 days after leaving the identified country. The four countries of China, Iran, South Korea and Italy are currently under a Level 3 Travel Health Notice, but this situation is fluid and may change with very little notice in the coming weeks. We encourage you to access the information noted above from the CDC anytime you intend to travel outside of the United States in the near future while this public health emergency is in effect.

We will continue to receive information from public health authorities about COVID-19. 

As a reminder, the CDC always recommends everyday preventive actions to help in the spread of respiratory viruses. Lamar CISD schools will continue to do the following:

  • Monitor all student and staff symptoms of a fever (100-degree Fahrenheit or higher), cough, sore throat, runny/stuffy nose, body aches, headache and generalized fatigue. Students and staff who have a fever will be sent home from school and be asked to remain at home until they have been fever free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication.
  • Encourage parents/guardians to not send students to school if they are sick.
  • Teach students and staff effective handwashing with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol.
  • Teach students not to share personal items and to cover coughs and sneezes with tissues or their upper sleeve if a tissue is unavailable.
  • Proper disposal of tissues/paper towels in receptacles.

In addition, the District continually sanitizes all campuses on a rotating schedule with a hospital-grade EMist process.

Again, the safety of our students and staff is our top priority. We will continue to partner with the CDC and Fort Bend County Health Department for additional information and guidance and will share updates as necessary.

Families can find more resources on the COVID-19 coronavirus below:

CDC: Situation Summary
Texas Health and Human Services: Coronavirus
Fort Bend Health Emergency Preparedness


Lamar CISD se encuentra comprometido con el bienestar y la salud de nuestros estudiantes y personal en general. El coronavirus COVID-19 se está propagando rápidamente en muchas partes del mundo, y tiene un alto riesgo de interrumpir viajes internacionales. Sabemos que muchas familias estarán viajando por las vacaciones de primavera, y nos gustaría proporcionarles información del Centro de Control y Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC por sus siglas en inglés) acerca de los viajes a países donde existe un alto riesgo de transmisión comunitaria del virus COVID-19.

Hasta el 6 de marzo del 2020, la CDC ha identificado a cuatro países en los cuales ha emitido un Aviso de Salud por Viaje de Nivel 3. El Aviso de Salud por Viaje de Nivel 3 recomienda que los viajeros eviten ir al país si no es necesario. Los cuatro países son: China, Irán, Corea del Sur e Italia. La(s) persona(s) que pasen o viajen por estos países mientras se encuentra en vigor el Aviso de Salud de Viaje de Nivel 3 deben permanecer en casa y monitorear su salud durante 14 días una vez que hayan salido del país de donde viajaron. Invitamos a nuestra comunidad a ver la página de internet de la CDC para obtener información actualizada y factible con respecto a COVID-19. La siguiente guía muestra consideraciones que la CDC propone antes de viajar:

Debido a esta situación tan cambiante, les recomendamos consultar la página de internet de la CDC antes de realizar su viaje, para encontrar información actualizada de su(s) destino(s), y para aquellos países por los que puede pasar al viajar. Los avisos de salud de viaje de nivel 3 pueden publicarse en otros países en cualquier momento.

Si los empleados o estudiantes viajan hacia o pasan por cualquiera de estos países mencionados por el Aviso de Salud de Viaje de Nivel 3, el Distrito les pide cumplir con las normas que establece la CDC. Los empleados y estudiantes deben permanecer en casa y monitorear su salud durante 14 días después de salir del país identificado con el virus. De no existir indicios de enfermedad al final del período de observación y monitoreo después de los 14 días, los empleados podrán regresar al trabajo, y los estudiantes a su escuela.

Los empleados que pasen por los países con el Aviso de Salud de Viaje de Nivel 3 deben comunicarse con el Departamento de Recursos Humanos (HR) para notificar el día por los países que pasaron y viajaron. El departamento de Recursos Humanos trabajará con el empleado para determinar el período de monitoreo de 14 días. Recursos humanos estará en contacto periódicamente con el empleado durante el monitoreo de los 14 días. Si el empleado no muestra ningún signo de enfermedad después de este período de 14 días, el empleado puede regresar al lugar de trabajo.

Colaborando con la Agencia de Educación de Texas y las autoridades locales, Lamar CISD planea hacer todo lo posible para considerar el período de monitoreo de 14 días como ausencia con pago, el cual no contará como horas acumuladas. Para su verificación, los empleados deben mostrar prueba en donde se verifique el viaje al país con Aviso de Salud de Viaje de Nivel 3. Si el empleado muestra señales de enfermedad, HR consultará con el empleado sobre el uso de horas acumuladas. Los empleados deben ponerse en contacto con [email protected] o [email protected].

Los padres de estudiantes que viajen hacia o pasen por cualquiera de los países identificados con el Aviso de Salud de Viaje de Nivel 3 deberán comunicarse con el director de su escuela al regresar el estudiante a los Estados Unidos para que se pueda determinar el período de monitoreo de 14 días. Las ausencias de los estudiantes durante este tiempo estarán exentas. Los estudiantes deberán mostrar la verificación del viaje a un país con un Aviso de Salud de Viaje de Nivel 3. La escuela trabajará con el estudiante y los padres para proporcionar las asignaciones y recursos que ayuden al estudiante a mantenerse al día con la instrucción en el salón de clases. El director estará en constante contacto durante el monitoreo de 14 días. Si el estudiante no muestra signos de enfermedad, el estudiante podrá regresar al salón de clases al finalizar el período de monitoreo de 14 días.

Lamar CISD se encuentra en constante comunicación con los funcionarios locales del Departamento de Salud sobre diversos asuntos relacionados con COVID-19 y la manera de operar nuestras escuelas públicas. Los funcionarios de salud recomiendan que los estudiantes y el personal que viajen o pasen por cualquiera de los países con un Aviso de salud de viaje de nivel 3 deberán cumplir con la recomendación de quedarse en casa y monitorear su salud durante 14 días después de salir del país identificado con el virus. Los cuatro países de China, Irán, Corea del Sur e Italia están actualmente bajo el Aviso de salud de viaje de nivel 3; sin embargo, esta situación puede ir cambiando y fluctuar en las próximas semanas sin previa notificación. Le recomendamos verificar la información mencionada de la CDC si tiene la intención de viajar fuera de los Estados Unidos en un futuro cercano y mientras esta emergencia de salud pública se encuentre vigente.

Seguiremos recibiendo información de las autoridades de salud pública sobre COVID-19.

Les queremos recordar que la CDC recomienda diariamente acciones preventivas para ayudar a evitar la propagación de los virus respiratorios. Las escuelas de Lamar CISD continuará haciendo lo siguiente:

  • Monitorear todos los síntomas de los estudiantes y el personal con fiebre (con o más de 100 grados Fahrenheit), tos, dolor de garganta, sequedad/ nariz congestionada, dolores corporales, dolor de cabeza y fatiga en general. Los estudiantes y el personal que presenten fiebre serán enviados a casa de la escuela y se les pedirá que permanezcan en casa hasta que no presenten fiebre durante al menos 24 horas sin el uso de medicamentos o remedios caseros.
  • Motive a los padres o tutores a no enviar a los estudiantes a la escuela si se encuentran enfermos.
  • Enseñe a los estudiantes y al personal a lavarse las manos eficazmente con agua y jabón, o a usar un desinfectante de manos de al menos el 60 % de alcohol.
  • Enseñe a los estudiantes a no compartir objetos personales y a cubrirse la boca al toser, estornudar con pañuelos desechables o con la manga de su vestimenta de no tener uno.
  • Recuerde tirar en botes de basura los pañuelos y toallas desechables.

Asi mismo, el Distrito se encuentra desinfectando continuamente todas las escuelas en horarios rotativos con el proceso similar a los que los hospitales utilizan el EMist.

Una vez más, el bienestar y la salud de nuestros estudiantes y personal es nuestra máxima prioridad. Continuaremos trabajando muy de cerca con la CDC y el Departamento de Salud del Condado de Fort Bend para obtener la información y orientación más actualizada y la compartiremos con ustedes según sea necesario.

Para obtener más información sobre el coronavirus COVID-19, se motiva a las familias a visitar el: CDC website, CDC: Situation Summary, Texas Health and Human ServicesFort Bend Health Emergency Preparedness.
