I was able to meet with our volunteers this past Tuesday at Austin. We have such a great group and so many of them have volunteered for a long time. Our volunteers are quality people who unselfishly give of their time to make Austin a better school. We love our volunteers!!!!!!
If you are having problems getting into your child’s online gradebook, please email [email protected] and they will try to fix the problem. With our new computer system we have been having some issues in various parts of the program. Hopefully, all of the bugs can be worked out in a short period of time.
With the Fort Bend County Fair coming up next week, the students will have a short week as Friday will be a holiday. We will have a Go Texan Day next Thursday, September 26th and students will be allowed to wear western attire. If students do not wish to dress western, they can still wear their uniform dress.
Go Texans!!!