Astronotes for September 25, 2013
Sep 25, 2013 | Bud Whileyman
Volleyball coaches from the Fort Bend Volleyball Club came to our school last week to teach the students some of the skills that are used in volleyball. The students seemed to enjoy the activities and they all received t-shirts compliments of the Fort Bend Fire. The instruction was over a 2-day period. Mrs. Cantu helped to facilitate the clinic and was responsible for setting up all of the equipment that was needed. Thanks to all of those who participated.

Our annual fall Book Fair will begin next week with students coming in to look over the selections. The Book Fair will continue the following week with Tuesday, October 8th being a night activity. Lomonte's will be serving salad and pasta before the Bingo games begin. The cost of a plate will be $8.00. Swatson, one of the Skeeter’s mascots, will also be present to increase the excitement of the evening. We look forward to a great turnout on this fun-filled night. The deadline for ordering your food is October 4th - please return this FORM to your teacher.