We have a number of Austin Elementary School Spirit Nights at various local restaurants. Please note the dates for each and help support them as they do give a portion of each of the bills back to the school. The four places of business that participate in these Spirit Nights are Orange Leaf, Il Primo, Chick Fil A, and Las Mananitas. Please note the specific dates for each Austin Night as this is the only dates that they donate proceeds to the school. Let the restaurant know that you are from Austin Elementary School. The two dates with the question marks are still pending. We look forward to seeing many of you at these establishments. Thanks for your support!
Orange Leaf (the first week on Tuesdays) Il Primo (the second week on Wednesdays)
10/1 10/9
11/5 11/620
12/3 12/11
1/7 1/8
2/4 2/12
3/4 3/12
4/1 4/9
5/6 5/14
Chick Fil A (the third week on Thursdays) Las Mananitas (the fourth week on Wednesdays)
10/17 9/25
11/21 10/23
12/19 11/27?
1/16 12/25?
2/20 1/22
3/20 2/26
4/17 3/26
5/15 4/23