This Friday is an early release day for students. Students will be dismissed at 11:30 am. This Friday is also the last day of the first 9-weeks. It is hard to believe that we have completed ¼ of the school year.

We are having a problem in the morning and afternoon pickup lines. Cars are blocking the wheelchair ramps when they are in line. Please be aware that we do have students in wheelchairs and need to access the ramps that lead to the parking lot. Also, only vehicles with the appropriate handicap parking permits should be using the handicap spaces. We need your cooperation in following the rules and procedures of the morning and afternoon pickup routine to ensure all students safety.
One final issue that has become an occasional problem is that we have individuals that want to cut through the parking lot and pull into the pickup lane for their child instead of waiting patiently as other parents are doing. Parents may pull into the parking lot to pick up their children but first they must park and get out of their vehicles, then walk with their child across the lane of traffic. We will not release any child without an adult to escort them across the traffic lane. For those of you that wait until the traffic stops, we do appreciate your patience in helping to keep the flow of cars moving smoothly.