This coming Monday, November 11th, we will have a school program honoring our Veterans. We will have two presentations of our Veteran’s Day program. One will be at 1:00 pm for the students and one will be at 7:00 pm for the public. You may attend either or both performances. Just be aware that the early program will have over 500 students attending. This will be our new music teacher, Laura Brown’s, first assembly. We are excited to have this annual event continue under our new music teacher. We also want to invite all Veterans to come and be recognized for your service to our country. Also, if you have a name of a Veteran that you would like recognized, please email Ms. Brown at [email protected]
Picture retakes will be next Tuesday, November 12th. Any parent who wishes to have their child’s school picture re-taken can do so on this date. Also we have our annual Doughnuts with Parents events coming up on Tuesday and Wednesday, November 12th and 13th. We used to call these dates Doughnuts for Dad and Muffins for Mom. We now call the event Family Doughnut Day A-M and Family Doughnut Day N-Z. If your last name is in the A-M range come on Tuesday and if it is in the N-Z range come on Wednesday. Of course if one day is more convenient we will not turn you away. We split the groups so that our attendance would be more even. Space and the number of doughnuts ordered could be more predictable by following the schedule. Thanks for your help in making this a fun and enjoyable event for our students.