Campus News

Astronotes for January 22, 2014

Jan 21, 2014 | Bud Whileyman
Our extended day classes started this Tuesday for grades 4 and 5.  They will be meeting on Mondays and Tuesday until STAAR testing.  Third grade will begin on Monday, February 3rd.  These classes will include intensive small group tutoring for students who might need additional help in preparation for the upcoming state tests.

Our 4th and 5th grade students will be traveling to Lamar High School on Thursday, January 23 to watch a performance by the Lamar Theater Arts group.  The show will begin at approximately 9:30 and students will return in time for their lunch.
Success Assemblies will be this Friday, January 24th at the usual grade level time. We look forward to seeing many of you here to share in your child’s successes.

It has been brought to my attention that we are having a large number of students dropped off in the morning before 7:00 am.  Austin opens the doors to accept students at 7:00 am.   These students that are being dropped off early have no supervision and there is a safety concern for them.  Please help us to keep your children safe and wait with you children until the front doors are open to accept the students.  On some occasions if our supervisory people arrive early we may let students in since there will be someone in the building to keep an eye on them.  Thanks for your cooperation in helping us to monitor all of our students while at school.

From the Yearbook Chair:  The deadline for parents to contribute photos for the yearbook is February 28th.   Online photo uploading is possible via the Yearbook website:  Community Upload Activation Code:ZAHLED.  Also, I am happy to accept a cd of photos on or before Feb 28th.  Please label the CD with grade and photo types along with my name, Erin Rapacki, YB Coordinator.   Also -it is possible to place orders online at With the yearbook code:8717014