During its March meeting, the Lamar CISD Board of Trustees agreed to move forward with planning for a potential 2014 school bond election.
As part of the planning cycle, a Citizens’ Bond Advisory Committee will be formed to develop a recommendation for a 2014 Bond Referendum to be given to the Board of Trustees—Trustees will then decide whether or not to call a Bond Referendum.
Members of the Lamar CISD community interested in serving on this committee are encouraged to complete an advisory committee application online by clicking here. This application can also be downloaded and returned to the Community Relations office at 3911 Avenue I in Rosenberg. All application forms are due by Monday, April 7.
Twenty-eight community members will be chosen from these applicants.
The administration will ultimately recommend a committee consisting of approximately 65 members (community members, Trustee nominations, campus administrators and students), with the Trustees having final approval.
If you have questions about this process, please contact the Community Relations office at (832) 223-0330 or via email at communications@lcisd.org.