Next week we begin our first round of STAAR tests. Fourth grade will be taking a Writing test on Tuesday and Wednesday. Fifth graders will be taking their Math test on Tuesday and Reading test on Wednesday. The fifth grade students are required to pass their math and reading tests before going to 6th grade. If they are unsuccessful on their first attempt, they will be given a 2nd chance in May to successfully complete reading and/or math. Remediation tutoring will be given to those students who are not successful between the first and second administration. If the student still does not pass, they will be required to attend summer school with one final attempt at the end of the summer term. If the student is not successful after 3 attempts, a meeting will be held with the parent to discuss placement options for next year. Please stress the importance of these state tests to your student and make sure they give their best effort on these exams.
The end of the 9-weeks is this Friday, March 28th. Student are not required to wear uniforms on this day and there will be no charge for this privilege. Our success assemblies will be held the following Friday, April 4th at 8:15, 9:15, and 2:00. Come and celebrate with your child their successes and the end of the first round of state testing.