Hubenak Team Two, beginning in lower left corner and working clockwise, Michelle Akpan – 5th Grade, Sidney Nguyen – 5th Grade, Caleb Helmke – 3rd Grade, Valeria Vazquez – 4th Grade, Maxine Buena – 5th Grade and Jennifer Jew – 4th Grade.
Twenty-two schools. Thirty-eight teams. Two-hundred-and-forty students. Twenty books. Fourteen questions in “sudden death overtime.”
One winner.
Hubenak Elementary School’s Team Two emerged victorious in Lamar CISD’s annual Battle of the Bluebonnet Books. Teams compete to see who can identify the most quotes from the 20 Bluebonnet Books from the current year's list.
Team Two outlasted last year’s champ, Hubenak Team One.
The Texas Bluebonnet Award Program is a state-wide program for students in grades 3-6. Texas librarians nominate 20 new books each year from different genres to be on the Bluebonnet list.
Its purpose is to promote free-choice reading and expose students to a variety of quality literature. The goal of the “Battle” program is to improve student engagement in reading, while challenging students to read rigorous texts within a variety of genres.
The Lamar Educational Awards Foundation sponsored the Battle, paying for transportation and lunch for the teams. This year’s Battle was held May 17 at Fulshear High School.