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Bond 2022
Nurse’s Notes
Teacher's Resources
Support Staff
Attendance Office
Counselor's Corner
Teacher's Resources
- This program is the district-approved LMS (Learning Management System) that our campus teachers will use to communicate with our students and parents.
Discovery Education
- If you need a login for this site, please see Katie Poland (DLJH Librarian)
- You can only access this website when you are within LCISD and have an LCISD login and password. If you need assistance, please see Jeff Peterson (DLJH CITS)
. Teachers need to use this link when going to Eduphoria for data and running tests in Eduphoria. If you need assistance, please see Margaret Valles (DLJH Academic Facilitator)
Friday Night School Referral
(8th Grade)
- This form allows you to submit names for Friday Night School.
Friday Night School Referral
(7th Grade)
- This form allows you to submit names for Friday Night School.
- Technology resources for LCISD staff
- This link takes you directly to the Online Time system for LCISD. Use this system to log in and out and track personal leave and other time taken off.
LamarNet (New Site)
- The district is transitioning all of the older LamarNet items to this new more secure LamarNet. This is the site you would go to if you were submitting a fundraiser for approval.
LCISD Policy Online
- This website will let you search for and review any LCISD board policies.
Lunch Detention Referral
(8th Grade)
- This form allows you to submit names for lunch detention.
Lunch Detention Referral
(7th Grade)
- This form allows you to submit names for lunch detention.
MUNIS (Budget)
- Use this link to create PO's approve requisitions and budget transfers
MAP Testing (Reports for Staff)
- This link is for staff who want to run reports about MAP testing and use data for instructional purposes.
On Data Suite
- This website is used by the administrators and instructional coaches to break down STAAR data in much deeper detail.
Paxton Patterson
- This website is used by our CTE classes. (Concepts of Engineering - Stephen Santos, and Principles of Hospitality, Health & Human Services - Sarah Heston)
Plan 4 Learning
- This website is used to prepare the Campus Improvement Plan.
Principal's Desktop
- Information for Administrators
Reporting Services
- Information for Administrators.
- Online Workorder Submission.
- This is our callout system which is a product of the Skyward company.
- Student Management System
Smart Tag
- Staff tracking system for Smart Tag
Staff Certifications
- Click on this link to see the staff list and what their certification is. Only administrators can use this link.
Staff Roster
- Click on this link to get a sign-in sheet for the Leaman Staff for inservices, etc. Only administrators can use this link.
Staff Survey - Be The One
. Please submit a name to Mr. Semmler for a DLJH Staff Member to be recognized at a staff meeting for Being The One!
Staff Survey - Preferred Substitutes
. Please use this survey to submit names to our Assistant Principal's Secretary of quality substitutes who you would like to be seen on the DLJH Preferred Substitute List.
Staff Survey - "Student of the Week" nomination
. Please click on the link to submit a name to the counselors for a student of the week. We will choose one 6th, one 7th, and one 8th grade student each week and we will highlight them in the weekly "Spark" newsletter to parents.
- This website is used by the Special Education department to enter paperwork, etc. for the ARD process.
Trip Tracker
- This site is used to create and approve bus requests.
- Absences
- Human Resources Portal