Seated: Lamar CISD Board Member Anna Gonzales, Superintendent Dr. Thomas Randle, Board Secretary Kay Danziger; Standing: Board Member Melisa Roberts, Member Frank Torres, Board President James Steenbergen, Board Vice President Kathryn Kaminski and Member Dr. Tyson Harrell.
January is School Board Recognition Month and Lamar CISD joins other districts across the state in thanking these local leaders for their dedication and willingness to serve as advocates for our children and public schools. As elected officials, they are the voice of their communities, serving first and foremost in the best interest of our community’s schoolchildren.
“Even though we’re making a special effort in January to show appreciation to our board members, we realize their many contributions reflect a year-round commitment,” said Dr. Thomas Randle, Lamar CISD’s Superintendent of Schools. “They generously give of themselves to ensure the decisions directly impacting our local schools are made by representatives of this community, people who are close to our schools and know our teachers, parents and students.”
“Board members shoulder critical responsibilities and often make difficult choices. Their ultimate goal is ensuring the future success of the children in Lamar CISD,” Randle said. “It’s vital the public supports our schools so that today’s students are prepared to be productive citizens and the leaders of tomorrow.”
Members of the Lamar CISD Board of Trustees are:
James Steenbergen, President;
Kathryn Kaminski, Vice President;
Kay Danziger, Secretary;
Anna Gonzales, Member;
Dr. Tyson Harrell, Member;
Melisa Roberts, Member; and
Frank Torres, Member.
“Lamar CISD benefits from the tireless work and countless hours contributed by these elected officials who work without pay. Please help us thank these dedicated citizens for their efforts to make a difference and their unfailing commitment to the continued success of our students now and in the future,” Randle said.