Campus News

Lamar CISD Accepting School Naming Nominations

Jan 29, 2019 | Community Relations

Lamar CISD is accepting nominations for the names of the District’s three new elementary schools along with the new junior high school and high school.

These schools will be built with funds approved by voters as part of the November 2017 Bond.

Nominations must be completed and returned to the Office of the Chief of Staff (3911 Avenue I, Rosenberg, TX 77471 or no later than Feb. 4, 2019.

Board Policy CW (LOCAL) outlines the requirements for naming a facility.

For a facility named after a person, the following shall apply:

  1. The nominee may be deceased or living and shall have attained prominence locally or nationally, with local prominence taking precedence, in the fields of education, science, art, statesmanship, political science, or military achievement.
  2. The nominee may have been an early Texas pioneer or an outstanding president of the United States.
  3. The nominee shall have made a significant contribution to society.
  4. The name should lend prestige and status to an institution of learning.
  5. The nomination must be presented in a form that contains: a. Biographical/historical data; and b. Reasons justifying the choice.

For a facility named after a place, the nomination should include its historical relevance.

For more information and to access the nomination form, visit the Lamar CISD website.