Kathryne Salinas
A Lamar CISD teacher has been elected to serve a three-year term on the board of national educational organization.
Kathryne Salinas, Lamar CISD’s teacher leader for Reading Recovery / Descubriendo la Lectura, begins her term on the Reading Recovery Council of North America July 1. The Reading Recovery Council of North America, Inc. is a not-for-profit association of Reading Recovery professionals, advocates, and partners.
The Council provides a network of opportunities for leadership and professional development and is an advocate for Reading Recovery throughout North America. Membership is open to anyone interested in Reading Recovery and early literacy.
Board members are elected by the general membership each March.
Reading Recovery is an intervention for first graders who are failing to learn to read and write. The goal of the intervention is to bring the children up to the national average in literacy performance. This is accomplished through one-on-one teaching for 30 minutes daily with a certified Reading Recovery teacher who designs a series of lessons for each student. The aim is for the student to achieve independent literacy processing within 12 to 20 weeks.
Reading Recovery teachers train in a graduate class for one year to become certified. Continuing education involves a minimum of three days of training annually.
For more information about Reading Recovery, please visit readingrecovery.org.