HOWDY Longhorns!
Ms. Arias, your College and Career Facilitator, is available to help prepare all Longhorns in achieving their post-secondary goals. Whether that is college, trade school, military, or the workforce, her door is always open. The CCF is open for students to seek advisement, work on college applications, and apply for scholarships.
Francheska Arias
College & Career Facilitator
[email protected]
The College and Career center is located in room 1500. For More College and Career information please visit the GRHS Counselor Corner or Senior Longhorn Canvas pages.
Important Senior Information
Priority Deadlines
Many state and public universities use priority deadlines to encourage early applications. The priority deadline date varies by college and/or university. Students who choose this type of application must have a complete application, all supporting documents, along with their application fees paid to be considered a complete application! Please make sure that if you are planning to go to college that you are aware of the application deadline and understand the different application types (priority, regular, early decision, early actions, etc.)
After Applying
It is very important that after you apply to a college or university that you continuously check the email entered within your application. Students must use their personal email NOT their school email address. The majority of colleges and universities will acknowledge the receipt of your application via that email address. Along with the acknowledgment of your application, they will also send you information that will allow you to access your individual student portal. The student portal will allow you to check your admission status and items that are needed to finish your application and future enrollment. This is a very important step in the admissions process as colleges cannot make a decision on your application if it is not completed (including the submission of supporting documents).
If you have submitted your application to an institution but have not taken the time to submit supporting documents, please refer to the Helpful Information for Seniors on the senior Canvas page. This has all the information you need for how to get that done.
Letters of Recommendation
It is very important that you speak with the person you are requesting a letter from BEFORE you send the request through SchooLinks. Students must submit their request at least two weeks before the deadline and provide your recommender with a copy of your brag sheet. Please give your recommender at least ten school days to complete the letter, but some recommenders may need more time and will communicate that with you during your initial conversation.
College Visit Information
LCISD District College Visit Policies:
The District shall excuse a student for up to two college visits during the student's junior year and senior year to visit an accredited institution of higher education. Students must complete the college visit request form at least two school days before the visit with parent signature, teacher to sign off that they are passing their classes, principal signature, and CCF signature.After the visit, students must bring back an official letter from the college that they attended (on the college letterhead) as proof of visit. This documentation must be turned into the attendance office no later than two school days after your college visit. Only with this documentation will your college visit be exempt. The college visit form can be found in Mrs. Arias' office Room 1500, on this webpage, and on Canvas. Unused days do NOT roll over from Junior to Senior year.
Register to take the SAT
and/or ACT
The SAT and ACT are
standardized tests for most college admissions in the United States. For more
information and to register, visit their websites at:
*Students must send their
score reports to the individual institutions they have applied to by visiting
the links above and logging into their accounts.
Transcript Requests
Once you have submitted a
college application in GoApplyTexas, through the college’s website, or through
the CommonApp system, follow the instructions here to add your application to
SchooLinks to request your transcript. ONLY do this if you have submitted a
college application.
Service Code
Updated Service Cord Guidelines.pdf
Service cord is a voluntary
opportunity for students and is not mandatory nor required for
graduation. Please enter hours by day or week. Any submission that
exceeds 40 hours or occurs during the school week without an explanation of the
specific time the volunteering occurred will be denied until the dates and
times are explained to Mrs. Arias. Hours should not be retroactively entered
(e.g., seniors entering hours from freshman year—this is due to the bookkeeping
and verification requirements of the supervisor or supervising agency) and will
not be approved.