Adan Hernandez, Arlene Garcia, Richey Liang and Susana Castillo

Paul Padilla Alexandria Gabriela
Maciel Torres
Seven Lamar CISD students have been honored for academic prowess as part of the National Hispanic Recognition Program
Foster High students Susana Castillo, Arlene Garcia, Adan Hernandez and Richey Liang, George Ranch High School’s Gabriela Torres and Alexandria Maciel, as well as Lamar Consolidated High School’s Paul Padilla are 2015 Hispanic Scholars.
To earn this recognition, students must be of at least one-quarter Hispanic/Latino descent, attain a high performance level on the PSAT and have a GPA of 3.0 or higher at the end of their junior year. Students with a cumulative junior year grade-point average of 3.5 of higher are designated as Scholars. About 5,000 students nationally are recognized each year.