Velasquez Tardy Policy
Being tardy not only prevents the student from receiving critical information, but it also interrupts the learning process. Please see our campus tardy policy below:
1st & 2nd Tardy - |
Verbal reminder/Tardy notice sent home |
3rd Tardy - |
Teacher contacts parent/written notice sent home |
4th Tardy - |
Parent meets with Administration regarding tardies |
Velasquez Dress Code
Students can wear the clothing of their choice , as long as it conforms to the LCISD Dress Code Policy. SMART Tags are considered part of the required dress code and must be worn each day by every student. Access the dress code policy in the LCISD Elementary Student/Parent handbook.
(Dress and Grooming: Pages 34-36)
Transportation Changes
All transportation changes and notifications for early student pick up should be submitted to the front office by 2:00 p.m.
No parent drop offs before 6:45 a.m. No early pick ups after 2:00 p.m.