
House Bill 5 Information

What is House Bill 5?

  • Post-Secondary and Career Readiness Bill that will allow for student flexibility and choice.
  • Provides a pathway for two year college program, four year college programs, certification programs, work force and military opportunities.
  • Opportunity for local school boards and districts to have input into flexibility and choice in student opportunities.

Graduation Plans per House Bill 5

  • Foundation High School Program (FHSP)
  • Foundation High School Program + Endorsement (FHSP + Endorsement or FHSP+)
  • Distinguished Level of Achievement (DLA)

House Bill 5 in LCISD supports...

  • Career Awareness/Exploration/Planning PK-12
  • Post secondary and career readiness
  • Continued high level of rigor and TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) addressed in all classes
  • Graduation plans with established standards allowing for student flexibility and opportunity
  • Flexible master scheduling based on student interests and needs
  • Professional awareness of all student opportunities
  • Parental engagement/involvement

House Bill 5 in LCISD is not...

  • A test reduction bill
  • Retreat from rigorous teaching of content areas that are not state tested
  • A CTE (Career and Technology Education) bill
  • A roadmap to “track” students by grouping students into one endorsement
  • One plan (4 year) for all