
Administrative Regulations for Energy Management

The following Administrative Regulation will be the energy management guideline used in Lamar CISD (District) for managing the District’s energy consumption.


  1. Reduce energy consumption at each District facility and review quarterly.
  2. To reduce energy consumption district-wide by 5% each year.
  3. Designate a District Energy Coordinator who will oversee and implement all programs and changes.
  4. Develop and implement an Energy Education Awareness Program District-wide. The program will focus on educating students and staff regarding ways they can assist the District in reducing energy consumption. The program will include, but not limited to; quarterly newsletters, presentations and the formation of a District Energy Reduction Awareness Committee.


  1. Track energy use and expenses.
  2. Establish facility use guidelines for school staff and administrators.
  3. Work with the District’s Energy Reduction Awareness Committee to identify possible areas of reducing energy usage in facilities.
  4. Inspect facilities on a weekly basis according to a set schedule developed by the Energy Coordinator and make recommendations accordingly.


  1. A temperature set point of 73° (+/- 1°) for cooling and 68° (+/- 1°) for heating shall be established and maintained in classrooms and office areas.
  2. The Energy Coordinator will develop and implement appropriate schedules for each facility to minimize energy usage. This will include summer and holidays. The Energy Coordinator will work with appropriate staff to discuss locations for summer schools and other district supported programs.
  3. Lights in classrooms shall be turned off if the space is to be unoccupied for more than ten minutes. Lighting in cafeterias, auditoriums, and gymnasiums shall be off or low mode when not occupied.
  4. Exterior lighting considered to be critical shall be controlled by timing devices. Unnecessary exterior lighting shall be eliminated. Parking lot lights shall be scheduled for events and security.
  5. All computing equipment power options will be set to turn off displays after 15 minutes of user inactivity and put into sleep mode after 2 hours of user inactivity.
  6. All computing equipment not in use by a staff or student or considered to be a server shall shut down at 6:00 PM daily. All computing equipment, electronic office equipment, and any other unnecessary appliance not in use shall shut down and powered off during the holidays and the summer period.
  7. The start-up of chillers for each building shall be staged at intervals and buildings shall be brought on line in a similar sequence so as to moderate peak load demand.
  8. Permits are required for an approved personal appliance within a District building. The permit fee is $45. Approved Personal Appliance:
    • Refrigerator – Maximum 2.7 cubic foot, Energy Star, UL listed. Permit consideration is subject to approval by your school principal or the District Department Supervisor and the availability of electrical circuits. Employees must purchase a permit for a personal appliance used by an individual or shared.
    Permits can be purchased through the Energy Coordinator. A permit sticker will be issued to be applied to the appliance. Permits are valid for the current school year purchased. Permits must be renewed annually. Permit Applications may be obtained from the Maintenance Website or Campus. A personal appliance not listed for permit is subject to School Principal and District approval.
  9. The District shall communicate with vending company providers for all facilities to remove machine lighting. Energy saving devices will be used to schedule proper shut-down and start-up of each machine.
  10. Each facility will choose one night per week where the facility will shut down and not hold any activities. The night chosen will remain the same throughout the school year. The night chosen will be declared by each facility and documented by the Energy Coordinator.
  11. Building use by school or non-school organizations require prior approval from the office of the Administrator of Operations. Building use for any school or non- school organization requires a Facility Request Form to be submitted to the location the activity is occurring. A Facility Request Form shall be completed and submitted ten business days prior to the use of the facility. It is the responsibility of the requestor to verify the facility request form has been received and approved. Activities held at a facility without prior approval are not guaranteed use of the facility and/or services to be provided.
  12. Every attempt should be made to group multiple meetings in one part of the building to minimize the use of equipment.
  13. An educational program will be developed and implemented by the Energy Coordinator. Staff and students will become aware of energy saving practices through training, materials, and hands-on exercises so they may participate in assisting the district in lowering energy consumption.

Domestic and Irrigation Water:

The amount of water used by the District has a direct impact on the budget. In an effort to conserve natural resources, the District is monitoring its water usage.


Energy Coordinator and Energy Technician:

  • Will review the monthly water bills to insure accuracy.
  • All facilities will be monitored for drips, running, and overflowing water. c. After hours walks will occur to insure facility equipment is shutting down properly.


Athletic Fields

  • Watering stations will operate according to the schedule established by the Energy Coordinator and Lawn Works Supervisor.
  • The irrigation for athletic fields will be based on the type of field, use and other factors.
  • Watering stations on these fields will be scheduled to insure the fields are growing properly to provide a safe playing surface.
  • Watering stations will be staggered to not affect water pressure and allow even watering.

Common Areas

  1. Watering stations will operate according to the schedule established by the Energy Coordinator and Lawn Works Supervisor.
  2. Irrigation systems around the perimeter of a building will be staggered to run after normal operating hours.
  3. Areas that do not have irrigation systems installed will not be watered by the District or non-District organization.
  4. The District reserves the right to change, modify, or turn off any irrigation system for any reason.